Flushing Noise Soundproofing

A condo owner called me to tell this story. She has a problem with toilet flushing noise from the apartment above her, which wake her up at night.


She has already soundproofed the ceiling in her washroom, but the plumbing noise is just as bad, as illustrated in this example video.

Botched flushing noise remediation

This is how she told me the flushing noise remediation was done:

  • The contractor ripped out the washroom ceiling.
  • He insulated the drainpipes with the insulation a Home Depot clerk advised the contractor was the best (Figure 1).
  • He installed insulation in the cavities.
  • He installed a green board (Figure 2).
  • He installed drywall.
Bad pipe insulation

Figure 1 - Wrong pipe insulation

Green board

Figure 2 - Green board (ineffective)

The condo owner paid a hefty sum to remediate the plumbing noise, which did not fix the noise problem.  She was very distressed when I told her that to fix the noise properly, she would have to start over and pay for a new renovation.

Many people in a similar situation ask me, as she did, if I can add something to the ceiling to fix the problem. I refuse to do a patched-up job. The soundproofing must be done correctly from the start for a satisfactory noise remediation.

What is wrong with the soundproofing job?

Here is a partial list of the errors:

  • Home Depot sells thermal insulation for pipes that is ineffective for flushing noise reduction (Figure 1).
  • Pipes were left rigidly attached to the support structure.
  • The drainpipes may be embedded in walls, not only the ceiling.  This was not investigated.
  • Green board (SonoPan) is ineffective if installed under drywall (Figure 2).

What to do to remediate the flushing noise?

Some of the steps that must be done are:

  • Rip out the drywall and green board.
  • If drainpipes are in a wall, open the wall to expose the pipes.
  • Ensure that the pipes are not rigidly attached to any structure.  This may not be easy to fix in an existing concrete building.
  • Seal gaps or openings around pipe penetrations at the structural ceiling.
  • Cover the pipes in proper noise-blocking insulation.
  • Fill all cavities in the ceiling with insulation.
  • Resiliently attach two layers of drywall to joists/studs to finish the ceiling and walls.

A correctly done job is not much more expensive than a botched job. If you want the soundproofing job done right the first time, don’t trust a contractor’s advice; hire a soundproofing consultant before renovating. His fee is a small fraction of the total job costs and ensures the job's success.

For examples of other soundproofing jobs botched by contractors, check this article for duplex soundproofing and this article for office soundproofing.

If you suffer a similar flushing noise, or any other noise or soundproofing problem, get a quote for consultation from the author.

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About the Author Ivan Koval

The author is the publisher of the Soundproofing.Expert website. He is a soundproofing and building acoustics consultant working in Toronto and GTA, Ontario, Canada. Telephone (416) 471-2130

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