Is Your Condominium Soundproofing Good Enough?

Condo buyers and owners need to understand that meeting the NBCC’s minimum requirements for condominium soundproofing does not guarantee high soundproofing or noise control between units.

The National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) is a model for Canadian provincial building codes. Ontario Building Code includes acoustic requirements specified in the NBCC.

Condo soundproofing in Building Code

Developers must comply with the minimum requirements. However, condominium owners have higher expectations for soundproofing, especially if they purchase a luxury or high-end development.

Furthermore, the Building Code does not address structure-borne noise transmission. This occurs when dropped objects or mechanical equipment vibrations impact the building’s structure. Although the code recommends minimum impact sound insulation for floor assemblies, it does not mandate it. Impact noise is the most common source of complaints by condo owners.

Developers can include noise control measures during the design phase but are not obligated to do so by the Building Code. Some developers may go beyond the minimum requirements. They specify vibration isolation for noisy equipment or use wall assemblies that exceed the code’s requirements for condominium soundproofing.  Developers building in high-end or luxury condominiums are more likely to include soundproofing requirements.

Buying a high-end condominium?

To ensure that condo buyers are satisfied with the level of sound insulation and condominium soundproofing in their units, they need to ask their realtor or developer about the acoustic design standard of the building. This will help potential buyers confirm whether the developer has included extra steps beyond the building code minimum to provide higher-quality sound insulation and condominium soundproofing in the building structure. The building meets only the minimum requirements if noise control features are not mentioned in the project design specifications.

Suppose your expectation of acoustic privacy and condominium soundproofing is high. In that case, it is a good idea to talk to a building acoustics expert before committing to purchase or renovating an apartment.

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About the Author Ivan Koval

The author is the publisher of the Soundproofing.Expert website. He is a soundproofing and building acoustics consultant working in Toronto and GTA, Ontario, Canada. Telephone (416) 471-2130

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