Noise Complaints From Neighbours

Condominium owners and tenants are becoming more aware of noise. The recently established Condominium Authority Ontario adjudicates noise disputes between residents and between residents and condo management.


Only owners and condo corporations can file cases with the Tribunal. Tenants or other non-owner occupants should contact the unit owner if they have a noise issue.

How to complaint about noise

The Condominium Authority of Ontario published a step-by-step guide on how to deal with noise complaints.

Noise from Neighbours

A common source of complaints is noise from neighbours. However, not all complaints are justified or reasonable.  The expectation of a completely noiseless apartment in a multi-residential building is not realistic.

A long-running dispute between a resident and her upstairs and downstairs neighbours did not end well for the complainant. A B.C. woman who sought $5K from a neighbour over noise was ordered to pay $50 for nuisance - CTV News

Unreasonable noise complaint

In rare cases, a complaint may be just made up. A client of mine, a condo manager, recently sent me a video recorded by a complaining tenant. The footage showed a chandelier swaying due to noise above the ceiling. Upon close review of the video, I noticed that the chandelier started to sway a second or so before the noise appeared.  Also, the noise sounded like someone was banging something close to the microphone.  The recording looked like someone was trying to record a fake noise complaint demonstrating it with a swaying chandelier.

Many call me, asking me to record and document the noise created by their neighbours. I decline these requests. Since the noise is not always present, I can't spend hours waiting for it to appear in the client's apartment. It is better if the complainant makes the recording and presents it to the condo management. If the complaint is reasonable, the management must take action.

More about this issues is in my other article. More about impact noise, the most common source of complaints is in this article.

Reducing noise from neighbours

If even normal noises common to an apartment living bother you, and you are the condo owner, I can provide instructions on soundproofing your space. However, I charge for this service, and you must pay a contractor to implement my recommendations. There is no free lunch or low-cost soundproofing.

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About the Author Ivan Koval

The author is the publisher of the Soundproofing.Expert website. He is a soundproofing and building acoustics consultant working in Toronto and GTA, Ontario, Canada. Telephone (416) 471-2130

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