Green Glue versus QuietRock. Which is better?

Clients often ask me this question. They want to know an unbiased recommendation which soundproofing product they should use for maximum noise reduction and soundproofing effectiveness. Is it Green Glue, QuietRock or SilentFX? To find out my answer, read on.


Comparing Green Glue, QuietRock and SilentFX acoustical test data

The test data referenced below is provided by manufacturers, Green Glue Company and PABCO Gypsum, the manufacturer of QuietRock and CertainTeed, the manufacturer of SilentFX. They both provide test reports commissioned from reputable third party acoustical test laboratories. The table below compares STC (Sound Transmission Class) values for four pairs of comparable assemblies. Note that I consider two layers of drywall with Green Glue between layers comparable to one layer of QuietRock or SilentFX.

Green Glue Assembly



QuietRock or SilentFX Assembly



Steel, Green Glue on one side only:

5/8" Drywall

Green Glue Compound

5/8" Drywall

Steel 3-5/8" Studs // 24" o/c

R13 Fiberglass

5/8" Drywall



Steel, QuietRock or SilentFX on one side only:

5/8” QuietRock ES

Steel 3-5/8" Studs // 24"

R13 Fiberglass

5/8" Drywall



Steel studs, GG on both sides:

5/8" Drywall

Green Glue Compound

5/8" Drywall

Steel 3-5/8" Studs // 24" o/c

R13 Fiberglass

5/8" Drywall

Green Glue Compound

5/8" Drywall



Steel studs, QR on both sides:

5/8” QuietRock ES

Steel 3-5/8" Studs // 24" o/c

R13 Fiberglass

5/8” QuietRock ES



Wood, staggered studs:

5/8" Drywall

Green Glue Compound

5/8" Drywall

Wood 2" x 4" Staggered Studs // 16" o/c

R13 Fiberglass

5/8" Drywall

Green Glue Compound

5/8" Drywall



Wood, staggered studs:

5/8" QuietRock ES

Wood 2" x 4" Staggered Studs // 16" o/c

R13 Fiberglass

5/8" Drywall

5/8" Drywall



Wood studs:

5/8" Drywall

Green Glue Compound

5/8" Drywall

Wood 2" x 4" Studs // 24" o/c

5/8" Drywall

Green Glue Compound

5/8" Drywall



Wood studs:

5/8” QuietRock ES

Wood 2" x 4" Studs // 24" o/c

5/8” QuietRock ES



Note: Since this article was published, Green Glue Company removed acoustical test data from the internet.

Other differences between the two products

Green Glue Assemblies

Noise Reducing Board Assemblies

Test data is available with resilient channels and resilient clips on walls, showing improved noise attenuation with resilient mounting [9]

QuietRock is not recommended over resilient channels on walls [10], while SilentFX allows resilient channels [9].

Can be used with resilient channels on ceilings [11]

Can be used with resilient channels on ceilings [12]

Has increased noise attenuation at low frequencies by 2-3 dB versus similar assemblies with the other product.[13].

Has reduced noise attenuation at low frequencies by 2-3 dB versus similar assemblies with the other product [13].

References for other differences:

[9] Resilient channels with GG

[10] Resilient channels with QR

[11] Ceilings with GG

[12] Ceilings with QR

[13] Information obtained by inspection of detailed attenuation data per frequency.

Note: Since this article was published, Green Glue Company removed acoustical test data from the internet.


The acoustical test data for comparable assemblies shows small advantage of using Green Glue, particularly at low frequencies. However, for most test assemblies the advantage of Green Glue is small, within a measurement error. It is up to the individual contractor to make an installed cost analysis and chose the product that can be installed more economically.

There are many more assemblies available with test data for each product, but the assemblies are not directly comparable. I therefore recommend using the most suitable assembly with available test data that meets client’s objectives, whether it is with Green Glue,  QuietRock or SilentFX.

The manufacturers for SilentFX and QuiteRock provide tested assemblies that are different from the competitor's assemblies, making precise comparison difficult.  However, both products function on the same physical principle and are functionally identical.

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About the Author Ivan Koval

The author is the publisher of the Soundproofing.Expert website. He is a soundproofing and building acoustics consultant working in Toronto and GTA, Ontario, Canada. Telephone (416) 471-2130

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