Soundproof Windows Allow Passage of Air. Is It Possible?

On occasion, I like to bring to our readers’ attention new developments in acoustics and soundproofing that are often under-reported in media. This time I came across an exciting development – soundproof windows that allow air passage for fresh air ventilation.


Soundproof windows let fresh air in

Researchers have built a window that allows the passage of air but not sound. This is seemingly an impossible feat. By carefully utilizing the resonance properties of cavities, the researchers have achieved soundproof windows that allow the passage of light and air but significantly attenuate sounds over certain frequency ranges.

For a full description of how this marvelous invention of soundproof windows allows passage of air works, read the article at MIT Technology Review: Redesigned Windows Stops Sound But Not Air.

Applications for soundproof windows

There are many potential applications for this invention; the most important is the elimination of air-conditioning in buildings to achieve energy savings. Buildings located in noisy environments (near an airport, or busy highway, for example) cannot use windows for fresh air ventilation due to excessive noise. Therefore, the building requires expensive air-conditioning and ventilation systems. If the soundproof windows allow for ventilation, air-conditioning usage could be reduced or eliminated in some climates.

Another application, for example, is equipment noise control in factories. Building a soundproof partition around noisy machinery that allows light and air ventilation but stops the noise is often desirable. This new invention will make it possible.

There is one problem with this invention, however. It is not yet commercially available. In the meantime, if you need windows that attenuate noise effectively, you must use conventional technology. I am always ready to help you select the right soundproof windows for your application.

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About the Author Ivan Koval

The author is the publisher of the Soundproofing.Expert website. He is a soundproofing and building acoustics consultant working in Toronto and GTA, Ontario, Canada. Telephone (416) 471-2130

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