Organizations of Interest to Acoustical Consultants
The listed organizations provide a source of a wealth of information about acoustics and vibration.
Organization | Key PURPOSE |
To generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics | |
Canadian Acoustical Association | The CAA is the professional, interdisciplinary organization that :
The UK's Professional body for those working in Acoustics, Noise, Sound and Vibration. | |
The ANC is a trade association for acoustic, noise & vibration consultancy practices in the UK. | |
International Commission for Acoustics | The purpose of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) is to promote international development and collaboration in research, development, education, and standardization in all fields of acoustics. |
The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. | |
European Acoustics Association | The European Acoustics Association (EAA) is a non-profit entity established in 1992 that includes its membership societies predominantly in European countries interested in promoting the development and progress of acoustics in its different aspects, technologies, and applications. |
The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) was founded in 1974. It is a worldwide consortium of organizations concerned with noise control, acoustics and vibration. The primary focus of the Institute is on unwanted sounds and on vibrations producing such sounds when transduced. | |
International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration | The purpose of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV) is to advance the science of acoustics and vibration by creating an international scientific society that is responsive to the needs of scientists and engineers in all countries whose primary interests are in the fields of acoustics and vibration. |
Czech Acoustical Society | Czech acoustic experts are the target of the Czech Acoustical Society through:
The Australian Acoustical Society aims to promote and advance the science and practice of acoustics to the wider community and provide support to acousticians. | |
The Association of Argentine Acoustics | The Association of Argentine Acoustics, AdAA, is a non-profit civil association where specialized professionals, technicians, and related students come together to generate a space for exchange between the professional, academic, and associated industries and the community. |
As an organization for professional acousticians, companies active in the sector of acoustics, and all interested in acoustics in Belgium, the Belgian Acoustics Association is actively working to promote the importance of acoustics to the Belgian government and policymakers. Our society board is dedicated to representing the interests of our members and advocating for the importance of acoustics in all aspects of society. Acoustics is vital in various fields, from architecture to environmental protection and public health to transportation and infrastructure planning. | |
Ihre Ziele sind unter anderem die umfassende Förderung des Fachgebietes Akustik in Österreich, die Verbesserung der Kommunikation österreichischen AkustikerInnen verschiedenster Fachrichtungen untereinander, die Förderung des AkustikerInnen-Nachwuchses, sowie die Vertretung Österreichs in der European Acoustics Association (EAA) und der International Commission of Acoustics (ICA) | |
A Sociedade Brasileira de Acústica – SOBRAC é uma associação civil, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 21 de novembro de 1984, que congrega pessoas físicas (pesquisadores, profissionais, professores e estudantes), e instituições públicas e privadas (indústrias, prestadores de serviços, centros de pesquisas, universidades, órgãos governamentais, dentre outros), interessadas nas áreas inerentes à acústica, sons e vibrações. | |
Elle a pour vocation de favoriser la circulation des informations scientifiques et techniques entre les différents acteurs de l’acoustique ainsi que les contacts entre les laboratoires de recherche et les industriels. | |
German Acoustical Society | DEGA has set itself the goal of serving acoustics, bringing its members and all those interested in acoustics closer together, representing their entirety and common interests at home and abroad, and promoting the exchange of experience, especially with foreign colleagues. |
Greek Institute of Acoustics | The GREEK INSTITUTE OF ACOUSTICS was created to bring together the Greek Scientific community related to acoustics in research, education, or profession. The establishment of the Institute was dictated by the need to create a body for the common expression of all those who wish to develop this region in Greece and its cooperation with the corresponding Institutes and Companies of Europe, America, and Japan. |
The Institute aims to promote the knowledge and practice of acoustics and maintain and present the integrity and status of the profession to the public and the government. | |
Indonesian Acoustics and Vibration Association | This organization is a vehicle for communication, coordination, consultation, and increasing the members' expertise in the field of acoustics and vibration. AAVI is an organization that accommodates scientists, academics, experts, practitioners, industry players, and observers of acoustics and vibrations in Indonesia . |
Italian Association for Acoustics | |
Acoustics was originally a branch of physics. However, as a result of incorporating aspects of physiology, psychology, and computer science, it became an extensive field with various applications. The Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ) was founded in 1936 by 15 physicists and has evolved into an interdisciplinary society along with the development of acoustics. |