Category Archives for Soundproofing

Improving Room Acoustics

Poor room acoustics

Most public spaces, and many work locations and offices have very poor acoustics. Noises in the space just reverberate and appear to be much louder than the original source of the noise.  

Here is an example recorded in a typical coffee shop with poor room acoustics:

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Green Glue versus QuietRock. Which is better?

Comparing Green Glue with QuietRock

Clients often ask me this question. They want to know an unbiased recommendation which soundproofing product they should use for maximum noise reduction and soundproofing effectiveness. Is it Green Glue, QuietRock or SilentFX? To find out my answer, read on.

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Building Home Recording Studio – A Book Review

Book about building a home recording studio

Home Recording Studio, Build It Like the Pros by Rod Gervais

The reason that I have decided to write review of this book is that I like the book.

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Can Subway Noise in Your House be Reduced?

subway noise

Clients often ask me: can the subway noise that I hear in my house be reduced? The answer is not simple and usually not what the client wants to hear.

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Can Windows Be Soundproofed?

Soundproof windows, noise reducing windows are possible

As I repeatedly discuss in my blog articles, there is no perfect soundproofing or soundproof windows. Windows cannot be made “soundproof”, however, effective window noise reduction treatment is available.

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How soundproofing works?

Analogy of soundproofing

When we construct a soundproof partition wall, building materials are assembled to maximize the wall's sound attenuation. We accomplish soundproofing objectives by taking advantage of the physical properties of materials.

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Can Soundproofing Be Tested?

Acoustical testing

The short answer is "yes", the longer answer is "it depends". Factors involved in the decision about sound attenuation tests or acoustical testing are outlined in this article.

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How to Soundproof a Door

Soundproof a door

Doors are an essential part of any wall assembly, exterior or interior. Doors are also typically the acoustically weakest part of a wall partition and the question of how to soundproof a door is often asked.

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Condominium Noise Complaints – Buyers Beware.

condominium noise complaints

People who have lived in apartments or condominiums are familiar with noise created by other occupants and likely have experience with condominium noise complaints. However, homeowners downsizing from houses to condominiums are often surprised by the noise they did not experience while living in a detached house.

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What Home Buyers Should Know About Sound Insulation

soundproof a house

Whether you are building a new house or looking to buy a new one or a resale house, you need to know a few things about sound insulation and soundproofing. This knowledge can spare you future headaches (literally) after you move into your new house.

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